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Baby Lab

Contributed by Helene Larin on 10/23/12 

Join the fun! Babies and toddlers ages newborn to 2 years are needed for lab sessions in the physical therapy (PT) course ‘Motor Development Through the Lifespan’.

Three 1-hour Baby labs are scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 8th  at 10:30-11:30; 1:30- 2:30; and 3:30-4:30.   You may choose to participate in one, two, or all three lab sessions held on the same day with three different groups of students.

Please consider bringing your baby or toddler for one or more fun sessions with graduate Physical Therapy students who plan to observe and test different aspects of your baby’s motor development.

You may be with your baby or toddler during the entire lab. Three PT instructors plan to guide the small group of students during the labs. Your baby will receive $15 per lab session he/she will participate in.

You, as parent or legal guardian, will be asked to sign a consent form for your baby's participation as well as a W-9 in order for him/her to receive the check. Your child's Social Security number is required of this form.

 All the labs are held in Ithaca College’s Center for Health Sciences (CHS), room 207. If you require parking, please let us know as we plan have a few spaces assigned near the building or we now have additional visitor parking. Take Ithaca College’s main entrance off of 96B then, take the first right and then immediately take another right into the Visitor Parking lot. CHS is across the street and up the hill right beside Smiddy Hall. Come in the main door and follow the Baby Lab signs.


Please come 10 minutes before each session. We will have water bottles.

If you are interested and/or would like more information, please contact:

Kathy Schlough, PT, DSc

607-592-7064 or



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