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Come celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Day with us on November 3rd by signing up for Service Saturdays!

Service Saturdays is a volunteer based program offered by the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs that pairs students with volunteer opportunities in the Ithaca community. The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs provides transportation and makes all of the arrangements so all you need to do is sign up, show up and serve!

The penultimate Service Saturday of this semester will take place on November 3rd, which is also Volunteer Appreciation Day! To show our gratitude for your involvement there will be FREE Breakfast (from 10 am to 12 pm in Park 220), an iTunes gift card raffle and giveaways!!!

On that day we will be providing volunteer opportunities at three great locations:

  • Tompkins County Public Library

  • Beechtree Community Center

  • Finger Lakes ReUse Center

Convinced yet?! Great!! Sign up here!



Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Don Austin at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Sign ups for the Nov 3rd Service Saturday are now open! | 0 Comments |
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