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November is Native American Month. IC is celebrating with a great slate of six events. All events are free and open to the public.

November 1 (Thursday) -- Native American Identity Panel with Hollie Kulago (Elmira College) Klingenstein Lounge 7:00 pm. Dr. Kulago (Navajo/Dine) and IC students discuss growing up Native American and living on the IC campus.

November 8th (Thursday) -- Native American Social Dance and Two Row Wampum Campaign -- Emerson Suites 7:00 pm. Interactive dancing. Chief Jake Edwards visits from Onondaga Nation to discuss the upcoming 400th anniversary of the Two Row Wampum, the first treaty between Native Americans (Haudenosaunee) and Euro-American settlers (Dutch). 

November 11 (Sunday) – Eeyou-Istchee: Cultural Survival Among the James Bay Cree, with Andrew Thomson. Lecture and Compositional Recital Concerning the James Bay Cree and their Land.  7:30pm: presentation in Robert A. Iger Lecture Hall (Whalen 2105); 8:15: Recital in Hockett Family Recital Hall, (Whalen 4105).

November 27 (Tuesday) – “Onkwawenna'on:we: The Weight of Words in a Decolonizing Methodology," Talk by Amber Meadow Adams (Mohawk), 12:10 – 1:00 pm, Clark Lounge.

November 28th (Wednesday) Native American Film Night: “We Still Live Here” (about the Wampanoag language and cultural revitalization). Textor 102, 7:00 pm

November 29 (Thursday) Mohawk Storytelling with Barbara Bethmann Mahooty – Klingenstein Lounge, 4:00-5:00 pm.

Sponsored by Ithaca College Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs (OSEMA); Native Amrican Studies Program; Department of Anthropology

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact OSEMA at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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