We have not even sent out all of our United Way pledge packets, and we already received back a goodly number of generous donations! As of Hallowe'en night, with great early support from 40 members of our campus community, we are already 15% of the way to our campus fundraising goal of $65,000! Way to go!
Please let your pledge card be among the next wave of returns we report on!! Watch for our "digital thermometer" to rise! Remember, we would like to receive everyone's United Way pledge card before the end of November.
Remember, payroll deduction of your donation to United Way makes giving simple and easy on your wallet - those deductions won't even START until January 2013. Thanks for considering that method of donating! But however it's easiest for you to give - payroll deduction, cash, check - please consider giving something this year. Those 40 people who already gave represent only 2% of our entire campus community - together, let's increase our campus-wide participation rate to 100%!
If you have any questions about whether and/or how to donate to the United Way, come visit our table at the Benefits Fair on Thursday, November 1st in the Emerson Suites. Bring your completed pledge card and drop it off at the Fair, if you want, or fill out a blank form if you haven't yet received your pledge packet or you misplaced the one you received.
Your 2012-2013 Ithaca College United Way campaign committee:
Marian Brown, Special Assistant for Campus and Community Sustainability
G. Scott Erickson, Professor, Marketing and Law, School of Business
Tim Shutts, Facilities Services Supervisor