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RESIDENTIAL LIFE edged out Facilities by an itsy bitsy amount to win Best of Show in the pumpkin competition. An award ceremony is being planned to present the winner’s trophy. The event was sponsored by Staff Council to raise money for the Ithaca College Caring and Sharing Fund. Proceeds from the fundraiser will be used to provide assistance to IC families faced with financial hardships. Applications are being accepted through Nov. 7th for Thanksgiving assistance. For more information, please contact the Caring and Sharing Committee Chair, Michelle Rios-Dominguez. Various creations of pumpkin artistry were designed, sculpted, and painted by college staff to represent their departments in the contest. The pumpkins were displayed in the Campus Center on Oct 29th–31st. Spectators voted for their favorites by placing cash donations into containers designated for each pumpkin. The entry by Residential Life featured two large relief carvings – a graveyard scene and a howling coyote, and inspired more donations than any other. Facilities came in a very close second, with David Westgate’s sculptured rendition of a bearded man. Mail Services and the Library exhibited their IC spirit with carvings of the towers and the new college logo, respectively. Ghouls, Goblins, Spiders, Skeletons, Witches, Frankenstorm, and a Pumpkin-Headed Accountant were among the themes. The Hammond Health Center humorously promoted the use of condoms with their Locks of Love pumpkin. The display provided wonderful seasonal entertainment and generated much interest among students, faculty, and staff during the three-day exhibit. Look for photos soon on the Staff Council website. Staff Council and the Pumpkin Committee appreciate the help of everyone who contributed to making this event enjoyable and successful! We look forward to planning next year’s contest and attracting even more participants. Special thanks to all of the staff members – from eleven departments across campus – who teamed up to enter the contest: Extraordinary Pumpkin Challenge: The Winner IS… Comment from
sdubrava on
I am very curious on how much was raised with this fundraiser??
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