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Her presentation, Departure / Arrival? // Partidas / Llegadas? is a conversation about her experience of uprootedness.

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Ramón grew up with the experience of the violence and terror of the 1976-1983 Argentine Dictatorship. She will discuss her own transition to the United States against the backdrop of the contemporary phenomena of displacement. Ramón has been living and working in Duluth, Minnesota, since 1997. She is currently collaborating with Professor Carla Stetson on the exhibition, Confluence.

Ramón's installation work explores the nature of mind and the root of emotion. She is interested in how power affects individuals within society and their relationship to nature and new technologies. In her practice there is an ongoing meditation on loss, memory and displacement.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Denise Vanderburgh at or (607) 274-3330. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Visiting artist, Cecilia Ramón will give a presentation about her installation work in Room 126 in Ceracche Hall (large drawing studio) on Thursday, November 15th at 2 pm. | 0 Comments |
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