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Questionnaires for Spring 2013 computer replacements are due this Friday, November 16. 

If you have not yet completed your Technology Renewal questionnaire, it's easy - and the questionnaire is short! Just go to this link:

...and log in with your IC Netpass username and password; then select "View and Modify Assets Assigned to You."

Assets due for renewal will have a "Questionnaire Due" link in red.  Just click on the link to access the questionnaire.

If you submit a change that generates a chargeback form, or if you have funding for MacPro computers, we need to have the completed and approved form submitted to ITS by Friday, November 16th as well.

ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall


Reminder: Spring 2013 Technology Renewal Questionnaires Due November 16 | 0 Comments |
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