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The next meeting of IC Take Back the Tap will be on Tuesday, November 27th at 8:15 pm in the Cayuga Lake Room (next to the Campus Center Dining Hall).

As mentioned at the last meeting, we are accepting applications for the position of Treasurer. The position would begin in January. If you are interested in applying, please email before Tuesday, December 4th.

In your email, please include your response to the following two questions. Please keep you response to one paragraph per question.

  1. What specific skills do you possess that you feel make you a good candidate for the position of treasurer?
  2. What are some ideas that you feel could be implemented through the treasurer position in the spring semester to stregnthen IC Take Back the Tap?

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Leonard Slutsky at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

New location for Take Back the Tap meeting and treasurer apps | 0 Comments |
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