Are you interested in providing an appealing web site with rich content for your Student Organization? You can get your Student Organization web site up and running quickly, easily, and for free! Join us for one of several "Web Profile Manager: Student Organizations" training sessions offered this week in the TLC! Pick a theme, enter your content, build multiple sections, publish photos, add a Facebook "like" box, add a Twitter feed, load documents, audio files, and video files for your users to download, and much, much more. Click the link below to register for a training session today!
Web Profile Manager: Student Organizations
ITS offers computing workshops every week on a variety of topics in the Technology Learning Center (101 Friends Hall) at no charge to all faculty, staff, and students.
Current list of training topics offered --
Online training calendar and registration --
Support for Persons with Disabilities: The ITS Technology Learning Center (TLC) in room 101 Friends Hall is accessible by wheelchair and includes a workstation that can be raised or lowered for optimal computer access. Support for visual and hearing impairments is also available. Individuals with disabilities who would like accommodations during training or consulting sessions are encouraged to contact Sharon Beltaine to make arrangements in advance (phone: 274-1045, email: