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"What are the social consequences of a lack of LGBT sex ed in public school/education before college?"

"Are you nervous to talk to a doctor about having a same-sex partner?"


"How would you approach having sex with someone who is trans or non-binary identifying?"

"What is the likelihood of getting an STD from going down on a girl?"

Maureen Kelly is coming to Spectrum on Tuesday, December 4th during our regular meeting time (7:00 PM in Williams 211) to do an LGBT Sex Education program and help us answer these questions!

Maureen runs a program called "Out for Health" at the local Planned Parenthood and she's going to help us answer the questions that don't get asked during public school health sessions. There is a lack of LGBT sex education in public schools and people are suffering because of it. Join us on December 4th for a fun intro activity and then a super brief 'fun 5 things you should know about great sex' talk and then open up to a chat, Q&A session and discussion!

There will be info, materials, some fun prizes... tell all of your friends and everyone you know! I'm going to try and see if I can register this event for SLI credit too so there's even more reason to come, and there will be FOOD and DRINKS. This event is open to everyone regardless of your sexual orientation! Education is key to understanding.

 See you December 4, 2012 at 7:00 PM in Williams 211!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Natalya Cowilich at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Educate Yourself: LGBT Sex Education in a Heteronormative World | 0 Comments |
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