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You’re in the final countdown from being seniors to being alumni, and there’s so much to do! We just wanted to remind you that now is a great time to make your senior class gift. Not only does our class go down in history for being the largest ever at IC, but we’re also the pioneer class for supporting the IC Annual Fund as our senior class gift. This means that you get more choice than ever before and can make your gift to the area of the college that is most meaningful to you and your IC experience! Be one of the 685 seniors to make history by raising $10,250, the largest amount ever raised by a senior class and the Ithaca College Alumni Association Board of Directors, will contribute $65 to the IC Annual Fund for every senior who makes a gift. Join the 69 seniors already on the donor honor roll and make your gift today at and graduate knowing that you made a difference! Thanks! 2013 Senior Class Gift Committee Members |
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