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The Holidays are almost here, so make sure to send all your friends a candy gram!

The Student Government Association and Residential Hall Association will be selling candy grams all this week in Campus Center from 10 AM to 3 PM for $2 each, or 6 for $10! Each candy gram will consist of a goody bag full of Holiday candies, and a personalized card. If your friend lives on campus and you would like us to personally deliver their candy gram to them, please come knowing their building name and room number! All other candy grams will be available for pick-up.

You can access the Facebook event by clicking HERE

Happy holidays from SGA and RHA!


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact SGA at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.


Four for you, Glen Coco! You go, Glen Coco! | 0 Comments |
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