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Our United Way campaign stands at 89% of our $65,000 campus fundraising goal for this year. You can make the difference and help us count down the rest of the way to a successful campaign conclusion. As of this afternoon, 255 donors - 57 of them first-time donors! - have contributed $57,646. Many, MANY thanks to all those who did their part, but this figure represents giving by only 15% of our campus community - we would like to hear from the other 85% of our employees! Remember, a gift of ANY amount is appreciated. We accept cash, checks, credit card authorization (you can even in do credit card payments in installments!), or you can opt for easy payroll deduction. Ithaca College makes it simple to give to the United Way at whatever level best fits your family budget. Please don't leave our countdown hanging... take that step to open that United Way pledge packet and figure out how much you can donate. Help Ithaca College and the United Way lift off to a successful conclusion. If you have misplaced your United Way pledge envelope and need to receive a new one, please just contact Marian Brown, campaign co-chair. (Phone: 274-3787). |
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