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The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs would like to congratulate Jen Walsh on her new position as the Director of Student Engagement and Leadership at Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin.

Jen has been the Leadership Programs Coordinator at Ithaca College since August 2010 and has been a valuable member of the OSEMA staff since January 2010. Under her coordination, several student leadership programs have been expanded and enhanced, and she has been an outstanding adviser to the Senior Class. Her last day at Ithaca College will be Friday, December 21.

Please join us as we celebrate Jen's contributions and wish her success in her new position. A farewell reception will be held on Friday, December 14, 3:00-4:30 p.m. in Klingenstein Lounge.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations for this event should contact OSEMA at or 607-274-222.

Congratulations and Farewell to Leadership Programs Coordinator Jen Walsh | 1 Comments |
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Congratulations and Farewell to Leadership Programs Coordinator Jen Walsh Comment from mmekos on 12/12/12
Congratulations Jen! Well deserved and you will be missed!