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Be it resolved...

Contributed by Marian Brown on 01/02/13 

We ended 2012 "within spittin' distance" of achieving our goal for the Ithaca College United Way fundraising campaign. As of today, we stand at 96.83% of our goal, with $62,939 pledged toward our $65,000 campus goal. 273 members of our campus community have taken action so far – 61 one of them first-timers! If you were one of those good folks, thank you again! But we know there are fifty of you out there who contributed in 2011 from whom we have not yet heard!!

If you were not among those good folks who took action in 2012 to support the United Wayit’s not too late for you to participate! Make a New Year's resolution to PLEASE look for that envelope with the United Way logo in the upper left-hand corner, pull out the pledge form, fill it out, and drop it in the campus mail on your way out the door. Start this new year off on a positive note: do your part to help put us over the top and take a positive step toward helping our neighbors in need in and around Tompkins County have a little brighter 2013.

If you need to receive a replacement pledge packet, just contact Marian Brown to request one.

Happy New Year!

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