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Nominations for the Izzy Award for calendar year 2012 are due January, 14 2013 . The annual honor for outstanding achievement in independent media — named after legendary journalist I. F. “Izzy” Stone — is a project of the Park Center for Independent Media (PCIM) at Ithaca College.

“With large corporations dominating the media landscape,” said PCIM director Jeff Cohen, “the Izzy is important because it recognizes and honors journalists and media outlets operating outside of the media conglomerates.”

The inaugural Izzy Award for 2008 was shared by blogger Glenn Greenwald and “Democracy Now!” host/executive producer Amy Goodman. The 2009 award went to investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill, the 2010 award was shared by New York City investigative outlet “City Limits” and author/columnist/“Truthdig” cofounder Robert Scheer, and the 2011 Izzy was shared by journalist Sharif Abdel Kouddous and the investigative outlet Center for Media and Democracy for its work on “ALEC Exposed.”

This year’s Izzy Award will be given for work published, broadcast or posted in 2012 by an independent media outlet, journalist or producer. The award may relate to a single piece or a body of work. Journalists, academics and the public at large — as well as the judges — may submit nominations by the January 14, 2013, deadline. The winner will be announced early next spring, with an award ceremony to follow.  

Nominations should be submitted via a brief e-mail that includes supporting Web links and/or attached materials to Brandy Hawley at . Only if e-mail is not possible, nominations may be mailed to Brandy Hawley, Ithaca College, Park Center for Independent Media, 953 Danby Road, Ithaca, NY 14850.

For more information on the Izzy Award, visit

Nominations for Fifth Annual 'Izzy Award' for Independent Media to close on January 14, 2013. | 0 Comments |
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