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Housing, food, and transportation costs add up quickly. Apply for one or both of these scholarships to help maximize your budget.

Career Services coordinates the awards for two scholarships specifically for students completing internships during the summer. Each has its own unique criteria for applications and recipients are selected by a group of faculty and staff. The scholarships are awarded in the spring semester each year. Applications are now available and are due in Career Services no later than Wednesday February 27, 2013.

Remember to review the selection criteria carefully to make sure you are eligible before you apply. *A completed FAFSFA form is required by March 1,2013. Therefore, students who receive a full scholarship to Ithaca College (such as Park Scholars) and graduating seniors are ineligible to apply for internship scholarships*

Please contact Nikki Lynn in the Office of Career Services at or (607)274-3365 with questions.

Need extra money to fund your internship this summer? | 0 Comments |
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