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The Sustainability Internship Program of the Sustainability Center successfully matches students from area colleges with local businesses and organizations, supporting the advancement of community sustainability. The Sustainability Center seeks to match students with compatible skills and experience with local "green" businesses and organizations in need of assistance.

During your participation in the Sustainability Internship Program, we ask that HOSTS and STUDENTS commit to the following:

1) Participation in one introductory meeting / orientation;
2) Completion of one pre- and one post-internship survey;
3) On-going communication between host supervisor and student intern, and
4) Participation in a celebration event at the end of the semester honoring and showcasing projects completed through the program.

By January 18th, please submit your RESUME and a COVER LETTER for each position of interest to Jackie Mouillesseaux-Grube, Internship Program Coordinator
Sustainability Center  
Phone: (607) 227-7329

The Sustainability Internship Program will match students with businesses and organizations with compatible needs and skills, so please do not contact the business or organization until we recommend doing so. Feel free to call or email me directly should you have questions or concerns.

Wiew the list of Spring 2013 internship opportunities

Deadline for applications for Spring 2013 Sustainability Internships extended to 1/18/13 | 0 Comments |
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