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A gathering to celebrate the life of Victoria “Tori” Howell will be held at Muller Chapel on Wednesday, January 23. Members of the campus community are invited to come together at 4 p.m. to share memories and stories of Tori and to provide support for one another.

Tori passed away on Sunday, December 30, as the result of an automobile accident. A graduate of Ithaca High School, she was a junior in the School of Humanities and Sciences majoring in English with a minor in psychology. In the fall of 2011 she studied at the Ithaca College London Center, holding a work-study position there and interning at the Women’s Library at London Metropolitan University. She had worked for Ithaca Dining Services on campus and locally at Purity Ice Cream.

Her family has asked that, in lieu of flowers, those wishing to honor Tori consider a donation to the Harry Potter Alliance, an organization that works to educate and mobilize young people across the world toward issues of literacy, equality, and human rights; or This Star Won’t Go Out, a foundation that provides financial assistance to families struggling through the journey of a child living with cancer.

Muller Chapel Gathering Scheduled for Tori Howell ’14 | 0 Comments |
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