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Kent Scriber, professor of exercise and sport sciences at Ithaca College, was an inaugural corecipient of the Kent Scriber Recognition Award, along with E. James Swenson, a sports medicine physician at the University of Rochester Medical Center.

Presented at the Eastern Athletic Trainer’s Association’s annual convention in January, the Scriber Award recognizes groups and individuals who positively reflect the goals and missions of the profession of athletic training in New York State. Also at the convention, the first Kent Scriber District 2 Scholarship was awarded to Steven Barandica, an undergraduate athletic training student at Kean University.

“Naming these two honors after Kent Scriber is a testament to his illustrious career at Ithaca College” said Linda Petrosino, dean of Ithaca College’s School of Health Sciences and Human Performance. “This recognition is emblematic of the impact his tireless efforts have had upon the field of athletic training and the hundreds of professionals he has influenced across his four decades of work.”

“I am fortunate to have spent my entire professional career at Ithaca College,” Scriber added. “I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to work on a daily basis with so many wonderful colleague and students.”

After graduating from Ithaca College in 1972 with a degree in physical therapy, Scriber has spent his entire career at his alma mater as an athletic trainer, teacher and administrator. In addition to working with several of the college’s Division III teams, he has taught courses in the prevention and care of athletic injuries, therapeutic exercise in athletic training, and has conducted numerous seminars and clinics in athletic training. The first program director for the college’s Athletic Training Education Program, he served in that leadership role from 1976 to 2005.

Scriber holds a doctorate in physical education/exercise physiology from Syracuse University and a master’s in health education from SUNY Cortland.

Originally published in Media Relations: Eastern Athletic Trainer's Association Honors Kent Scriber.

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