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Career Services has private rooms that you may reserve for a scheduled internship or job interview that is to be held via phone or video-chat.  To reserve a room, visit Career Services to speak with our Administrative Assistant.

Rooms are available for reservation only during business hours (Monday - Friday, 8:30am -5:00pm).  Interview room usage options:

  • Phone interview, for which you use your own cell phone
  • Phone interview, for which you use our landline phone (incoming calls only)
  • Video-chat interview, for which you use your own laptop and video-chat account

The usage of interview rooms for phone or video-chats is on a first-come, first-served basis pending available space.  Priority for use of these rooms is given to visiting employers and other office business.

If you have any questions about this opportunity for a private interview space, please contact Career Services at or (607) 274-3365.

Reserve a room for your next phone or video-chat interview, in Career Services. | 0 Comments |
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