Welcome back to spring semester 2013! This is the first in a series of ICC updates that will be provided on Intercom throughout the spring semester. If you’d like to know more about any of the issues below or have questions about issues that are not included, please contact icc@ithaca.edu or visit the ICC webpage (www.ithaca.edu/icc).
Many thanks to all of the faculty who have worked throughout the fall revising programs, putting forward course designation proposals, and reviewing programs and courses in the various schools and at APC. In particular, thanks to those faculty on the CCR designation sub-committees, who determine ICC course designations, for their ongoing work:
Themes/Perspectives: Dario Bernardini, Mike Buck, Tom Burch, Luke Keller, Granger Macy, Denise Nuttall, James Pfrehm, Jack Powers, Devan Rosen, Jack Rossen, John White
Diversity: Derek Adams, Kim Baker, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Cathrene Connery, Belisa Gonzalez, Alex Moon, Jack Rossen, John White
Quantitative Literacy: Chris Hummel, Luke Keller (coordinator), Granger Macy, Jack Powers, Emilie Weisner
Writing Intensive: Mike Buck, Susan Adams Delaney, Jerry Mirskin, James Pfrehm (coordinator)
If you are interested in joining any of the designation sub-committees above or participating in any of activities described below, please contact icc@ithaca.edu
Below is a summary of updates and spring activities related to the ICC:
- Faculty proposals for attribute courses (diversity, quantitative literacy, writing intensive, capstone) are welcome at any time. If you have courses you’d like to have designated for D, Q, W, or C for spring 2014, please submit those to icc@ithaca.edu by February 18th.
- Revised forms are available on the CCR and ICC websites for ICC diversity, quantitative literacy, writing intensive, and capstone attributes. These forms have been revised for clarity based on feedback from initial designation requests. Sample approved faculty proposals for themes/perspectives courses are also available on the CCR website.
- The diversity designation committee faculty (see list above) have recommended and CCR approved revised SLOs for diversity courses. The revised SLOs are incorporated into the new form, so be sure to use the new form when developing proposals.
- Welcome to Hormoz Movassaghi, the new School of Business faculty representative to CCR and thanks to Granger Macy and Jack Rossen for their CCR service! Faculty Council has re-issued a call for nominees for an open at-large seat on CCR; please consider putting forward your name if you are interested in serving.
- Policy regarding the ICC and transfer students has been approved by APC and Faculty Council, as has policy on the ICC and AP/IB/CLEP credit. A guide with ICC information for prospective transfer students will be going out to Dean’s Offices, Admissions, and other relevant campus offices and will be available on the ICC webpage.
- An ICC Assessment Rubric Team (tri-chairs: Dave Brown, Julie Dorsey, Mary Silva) has met and will work on developing rubrics for evaluating student achievement of learning outcomes for ICC program components and the overall program. An ICC Electronic Learning Portfolio Team (chairs: TBD) has met and will work on a myriad of issues related to processes for constructing and evaluating electronic learning portfolios. Both groups will be soliciting broader faculty input as they move forward with their work. If you’re interested in joining, the rubric team meets Tuesdays 9-10am and the portfolio team meets Mondays 3-4pm.
- Approximately 100 students and 8 faculty/staff are piloting the TaskStream portfolio and assessment system this spring. Information from pilot participants will contribute to faculty discussions of assessment rubrics and portfolio construction and evaluation processes.
- Theme Faculty Steering Committees will be up and running this spring as a collaborative effort between the ICC and Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE). Opening activities for these committees are tentatively scheduled for February 18 and 19.
- Please watch the spring Intercom, CFE webpage, and ICC webpage for announcements of spring faculty workshops on developing diversity and capstone courses, as well as opening activities for theme steering committees.
- Ithaca Seminar offerings for Fall 2013 are presently under review by the Ithaca Seminar Steering Committee and CCR. Approximately 80 courses have been approved by the ICSM Steering Committee and are presently being reviewed for themes and perspectives designations.
- 52 of 54 revised major program proposals have moved forward from CCR to APC. Thanks again to department curriculum committees, department chairs, school curriculum committees, and associate deans for their work on this project.
- Nearly 50 courses have been approved for ICC themes/perspectives designation at this point and additional courses have been approved for the other ICC components, for a total of more than 75 ICC designated courses.