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The Seniors’ Job Search Coaching Group will provide a supportive environment to discuss job-search concerns, strategies and outcomes.  The group will be made up of 5 to 8 students, who will talk with each other about their personal experiences, reflections, and strategies regarding the job-search process.

The group’s needs and interests will inform the content of discussions and activities, which will be facilitated by a professional career counselor.  Group members will be expected to be involved in an active job-search for the duration of their participation in the group and to complete suggested activities outside of group time.

The group will begin weekly sessions the week of February 4, with the meeting time based on the responses of applicants.  Applications can be downloaded by clicking here.  Submit your application to Career Services by 5:00pm on Wednesday, January 30. Completing this application does not guarantee your participation. Accepted participants will be notified via email on February 1.

Please contact Career Services at or (607) 274-3365 if you would like additional information.

Seniors: Job Search Coaching Group Applications due Jan. 30 to Career Services | 0 Comments |
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