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 I am very pleased to announce that Jerry Mirskin, Associate Professor in the Department of Writing, will serve as the next coordinator of the all-college Planned Studies program beginning immediately. 

Professor Mirskin is a former coordinator of Planned Studies and a veteran faculty advisor. Planned Studies is the hallmark integrative major at Ithaca College, and its development over the next several years will provide a significant way for students to pursue integrative learning through an individualized major program. Special thanks are owed to Rebecca Plante for her recent work as coordinator, particularly as we began to focus energy and effort on Planned Studies in the context of IC 20/20. Please join me in congratulating and thanking Jerry as he steps into this position.

Jerry Mirskin named as new coordinator of Planned Studies program | 1 Comments |
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Jerry Mirskin named as new coordinator of Planned Studies program Comment from dharper on 01/25/13
Congratulations, Jerry!