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Sustainability Café on April 8th will look at producing sustainable meatsContributed by Marian Brown on 04/08/13
Heather Sandford and Brad Marshall, owners of The Piggery, operate a different kind of farm. They sustainably raise heritage breeds of pigs on pasture, supplemented with locally raised GMO-free small grains (barley, wheat, triticale, peas) and local hay, and then turn their pastured pork into world-class charcuterie right on the farm. In the creation of their pork products (sausages, bacon, pâtés, ham, mortadella, and confit), the owners’ three guiding principles are sustainability, convenience and deliciousness. “Teachable edibles” – local, organic and/or seasonal snacks – for the Spring 2013 Sustainability Café series are being sponsored by Ithaca College Dining Services whose motto is “Sustainability – Healthy – Fresh.” Please bring your reusable mug and fill up at the nearest drinking fountain or provide your own beverage of choice. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Marian Brown at 607-274-3787 or We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. Drink in a new way to think in the Sustainability Café.
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