Go Red for Women Challenge Photo Galleries are here!
Who do you know?
Up to February 22nd, our Go Red for Women Campaign is collecting photos of faculty and staff wearing red in support of American Heart Month. Send in pictures of you, your friends, your department, or your families wearing red each Friday for a chance to win! Check out the photos sent in already at https://www.ithaca.edu/hr/gallery/6734/.
Submit your photos now to mschwartzichr@ithaca.edu!
Feeling a little creative?
Design a red dress and submit your dress by (or before) February 22nd to support the Go Red for Women Campaign and American Heart Month. Join up with your friends, family, or department to have a decorating party and pool your supplies! If you need a little inspiration, check out the dresses that have been posted so far at https://www.ithaca.edu/hr/gallery/6742/?start_num=0.
Inspiring dinner ideas?
Yes please! Share your great heart healthy recipes by (or before) February 22nd for a chance to win in our Go Red for Women Campaign. Not sure if your recipe is heart healthy? Find out at www.livestrong.com and follow our challenge guidelines. If you’re hungry now, check out our Work/Life blog for yummy heart healthy recipes.
Submit your recipe(s) now to mschwartzichr@ithaca.edu!
Need more information?
Check out our website, https://www.ithaca.edu/hr/benefits/wrklife/go_red/, for heart healthy resources, challenge guidelines and more!