The US Postal Service recently (1/27) made sweeping changes in their package services. This has significantly impacted how we receive and distribute packages for students. So now, only about 10% of packages which previously went to all mailrooms will go there. The remaining 90% has been added to the load at Phillips Hall Post Office and the Mail Center.
If you live in East or West Tower, this means...
- We are closing both Towers mailrooms immediately (Mon, 2/18). The volume of packages in these 2 locations is now so small, that we will consolidate the few ET/WT packages in the Terraces mailroom (next to Terrace Dining).
- If you currently have a standard PINK package notice, your package(s) will be in Terraces mailroom on Mon, 2/18.
- All future packages will generate a new GREEN package notice in your mailbox to pick up at Terraces mailroom.
- We will also be extending open hours at Terraces mailroom by an hour, until 5pm, in order to better serve all the combined residents.
- This change will not affect mail in mailboxes. Staff from Terraces mailroom will sort in ET/WT and those residents will see no interruption in that service.