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Want to be on the Outdoor Adventure Learning Community next year?Contributed by Samantha Stafford on 02/21/13 Come meet students from the floor to see what it is all about! When: Sunday, February 24 at 7-9pm Where: Fitness Center Rock Wall
Students who are interested in joining the OALC floor for next year are welcome to come meet the current floor and rock climb with us at the fitness center. We encourage possible members to learn what we're all about and get a sense of the community they're thinking about joining. The other floor members can tell stories of our adventures from the year so far and the plans we have for the rest of the year! So come to the rock wall in the fitness center at 7 to find out what we're all about! For more information, check out our website: Application for the Learning Community are due on March 1st through Hommer Connect!
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