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A Day for Documentaries

Contributed by Wade Pickren on 03/01/13 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Half-Century Song (Arturo Sinclair)
First Death in Nova Scotia (John Scott)
These Amazing Shadows (Paul Mariano & Kurt Norton)

Join us for a day of documentaries as we celebrate the work of some of IC’s talented documentary film makers and welcome two internationally renowned filmmakers at a special showing and reception.

*Coffee, Conversation, and Cinema @ The Daily Grind
8.30-10.30 am, Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center
Arturo Sinclair, Roy H. Park School of Communications, will present his documentary, The Half-Century Song, at 9.00 am followed by discussion and commentary on making the film in Mexico. Coffee, croissants, and conversation to go with your cinema.

*Conversation and Cinema
12.00 pm, Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center

John Scott, Roy H. Park School of Communication, is working on a film about the late poet, Elizabeth Bishop. John will present one of the segments of his film, First Death in Nova Scotia, which is a new adaptation of Bishop’s poem of the same name. Refreshments provided.

*These Amazing Shadows: The Movies that Make America
6.00 pm, Park Auditorium, Roy H. Park School of Communications

Official Selection of 2011 Sundance Film Festival.
Reception following at the Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center.

*Reception for the Producers and Directors of
These Amazing Shadows
7.45-9.00 pm, Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center
Wine and Cheese Reception for Paul Mariano and Kurt Norton, producers and directors of These Amazing Shadows: The Movies that Make America.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Laurie Wasik at or (607) 274-3734. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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