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Submitted on behalf of Marisa Kelly and Robert Cree

As of March 1, 2013, Ithaca College faculty, staff, and students are no longer required to stay at the Club Quarters, World Trade Center hotel when traveling to New York City.  Rather, they may choose to stay at any hotel that meets their budgetary considerations and location preferences. 

Everyone affiliated with IC, including faculty, staff, students, alumni, and parents of students or alumni, may continue to enjoy discounted rates at any of the Club Quarters locations for both professional and personal use.

To receive discounted rates or enroll in the Club Quarters guest rewards program, visit and enter the password “Ithaca.”

The “Gold Status” rewards program includes benefits such as discounted upgrades and the ability to earn a “Night on the House."

Club Quarters currently maintains 15 hotels in the United States and London, including five hotels in New York City:

Classes for the ICNYC program will continue to be held at the Club Quarters World Trade Center through the spring 2013 semester. Classes for the Fall 2013 semester will be held at the Cornell University IRL Conference Center in Midtown Manhattan. 


NYC Club Quarters Relationship Revised: Discounts at all Locations | 0 Comments |
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