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On March 2 and 3, 2013, 22 students representing  from 6 research teams presented 11 posters about their research at the Annual Convention of the Eastern Psychological Association, in New York, NY.

The students were supported by a School of Humanities and Sciences Educational Initiative Grant of $4138. The research teams and their research were as follow (EPA attendees are in bold font):

Cognitive Development (Professor Nancy Rader): Joshua Leimer, Ted Alhanti, Briana Farringer, Stephanie Miller, Rebecca Post, Megan Long, Nadine Cohen, Glendenise McPherson, Yuberky Reyes, and Allegra Damari

  • Infants' Attention to a Speaker's Mouth Relates to Mother's Level of Education
  • Window to the Mind: Pupil Dilation Reveals Attention Processing in Early Word Learning
  • The Effect of Speakers’ Gestures on Word Learning in Low-functioning ASD Children

Developmental and Educational Psychology (Professor Judith Pena Shaff): Brittany Raftis, Abigail Fink, Abigail Dixon, Ashley Braziel, Brendan Shaw

  • Developing Cultural Competence Through Service Learning Courses
  • Creating Economic Opportunity: an Evaluation of Financial Education Program Effectiveness – This poster received a 2nd place award for poster presentation.  

Clinical and Mental Health Research (Professor Hugh Stephenson): Alex Moin and Sophia Terazawa

  • Psychostimulant Use: Prescription, Recreational, and Patterns of Substance Abuse

Emotional and Physiological Influences in Cognition (Professor Brandy Bessette-Symons): Katie Straka, Jessica Blake, Mary Kate Fain, Kalie MacKenna, Tiffany DeRidder, Melanie Ziegler, Lauren Masser, Andrew Lemieszewski, and Emma Knighton

  • The Influence of Emotion on Recognition Decision Processing Times
  • The Influence of Arousal and Valence in Recognition Memory Performance

Humor (Professor Barney Beins): Natalie Mendes and Daniel Leibel

  • The Tangled Web of Humor, Fear of Laughter, and Sexism

Social Judgment (Professor Leigh Ann Vaughn): Miranda Gehris, Jesse Held, Brittany Carey, Ashlyn Velte, Katrina Vega, Julian Bevan, and Eileen Grandel

  • Regulatory Focus and Sensation Seeking
  • How Global Versus Local Processing Affects Self-Compassion




Barney Beins, Brandy Bessette-Symons, Judith Pena-Shaff, Nancy Rader, Hugh Stephenson, Leigh Ann Vaughn, and 22 psychology students present research at professional conference in New York, NY | 1 Comments |
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Barney Beins, Brandy Bessette-Symons, Judith Pena-Shaff, Nancy Rader, HughStephenson, Leigh Ann Vaughn, and 22 psychology studen Comment from jpenaper on 03/26/13
Leigh Ann, thanks for posting this. Just a clarification: the poster that won the second prize was Developing Cultural Competence Through Service Learning Courses.