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Dr. Murthy will be sharing how the lack of prioritizing women's health leads to dire consequences. Dr. Murthy has been actively involved with advocating for women's rights and has been working with students in projects to improve maternal health. She will be presenting how we can become involved in being global citizens for women's health using work at the New York College of Medicine as an example.

Textor 102, Thursday, April 4, 7pm.


Dr. Murthy's many accomplishments and positions includes:

Global Health Program Director New York Medical college 
School of Health Sciences and Practice

NGO Representative of the Medical Women's International Association to 
the United Nations

International Council on Women's Representative to the World Health Organization

Chair, Committee of Women's Rights- American Public Health Association

This event is sponsored by the Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education. For more information, please contact Amy Frith at


Women’s Health and Human Rights: Is it a Missing Link? What Can we Do? Dr. Padmini Murthy, Global Health Program Director, New York Medical College, April 4, 7pm Textor 102 | 0 Comments |
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