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Mara Alper (Media Arts, Sciences, Studies) presented her documentary “Forgiveness” at the Center for Peace in Vancouver, B.C. The documentary uses a psychological and philosophical approach to forgiveness to tell four powerful stories from a prisoner, a recovering alcoholic, a grieving mother and renowned world leader, Archbishop Desmond Tutu. A day-long workshop on forgiveness and healing facilitated by Mara accompanied the screening.

The four stories portray different aspects of forgiveness after suffering a loss—loss of innocence, trust, loved ones or liberty—and tell about how people moved on with their lives instead of staying locked in anger. This thought provoking documentary is designed to foster discussion in the hope of encouraging more options for conflict resolution.

It has been presented by the American Psychological Association, Victim Offender Mediation Association and is used in restorative justice programs in law schools across the country, as well as community groups and a wide range of religious denominations. It is available in the IC Library.

On May 9, Hospicare in Ithaca will offer the workshop “Grieving & Forgiveness: A Mother’s Love,” facilitated by Mara Alper. It is free and open to the public. Contact Donna George at Hospicare at for more information.


Alper presents “Forgiveness” documentary at Center for Peace in Vancouver, B.C. | 0 Comments |
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