"According to the U.S. Census Bureau, women, on average, earned 23 percent less than men did in 2011. The American Association of University Women's (AAUW) recent research report, Graduating to a Pay Gap, found that even one year out of college, after controlling for factors known to affect earnings such as college major and hours worked, there is a 7 percent unexplained gender pay gap." -AAUW
Equal Pay Day is Tuesday, April 9, 2013. It is observed in April to indicate how far into each year a woman must work to earn as much as a man earned in the previous year.
Tell your friends, tell your family, tell everyone! Bringing awareness to this issue is imperative if we want to close the pay gap.
Here are some other facts related to wage discrimination:
- The effects of pay discrimination impact women of color even more
- Women are still often pigeonholed into 'pink-collar' jobs (traditionally female-dominated occupations, such as teaching, nursing, social work, etc.) which tend to have lower salaries
- The difference in pay has long term effects- starting out just one year after college with lower pay deepens the gap exponentially over years (retirement savings, increased salary opportunities, etc.)
- Pay discrimination also impacts men of color- African American and Latino men earn significantly less than white men
Get informed and involved!
- To learn more about the gender gap in pay, read AAUW's report here
- Research companies' hiring and pay practices
- Write and call your Congresspeople
- Learn how to negotiate your salary and benefits
- Educate yourself on smart financial management strategies
- Help spread the word
- Keep your eye out for an Equal Pay Day table in the Campus Center on April 9th for some giveaways and other ways to get involved!
**This information is brought to you by OSEMA & Career Services**