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 THURSDAY, April 18, 2013 -- Taughannock Falls Meeting Room; Campus Center Ithaca College, 5:30pm-7pm

 Dr. Cynthia Hsu, member of Finger Lakes Zero Waste Coaliton (accompanied by members of Concerned Citizens of Arcadia)


 Come hear about local activism vs.landfill expansion, social movement and alternative development strategies and their impact

 About FLZW Coalition:

The economic vitality and environmental health of our beautiful Finger Lakes area are under attack by private waste companies seeking profits, and politicians more focused on short term gain than long term impacts. FLZW Coalition is a not-for-profit volunteer organization dedicated to promoting sustainable waste management practices, and to leading the fight to oppose the expansion of landfills for out-of-county and out-of-state garbage. Their mission is to protect the air, land and water quality of the Finger Lakes region, and promote economic development that preserves our greatest asset—the natural beauty of the Finger Lakes.

  Co-sponsored by Ithaca College Humanities and Sciences Educational Grant Initiative; Politics Dept.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact patricia rodriguez ; or (607) 274-5714. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Social Movement series: Local Activists against Landfill Expansion in Seneca and Arcadia Counties NY: Strategies & Impact - Thu April 18 5:30pm | 0 Comments |
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