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Faculty-in-Residence at the Center for Faculty ExcellenceContributed by Wade Pickren on 04/11/13 The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to announce its new Faculty-in-Residence program, beginning in the academic year, 2013-2014. The program will bring together 3 to 5 faculty members who have proposed a program of study, reflection, planning, and action related to some aspect of faculty excellence and development. Each year, the program will address themes or subjects that fit within the Ithaca College plan. In the first year, emphasis will be given to diversity, experiential learning (especially undergraduate scholarship, research, and creativity), early career development, assessment, and curriculum development (especially interdisciplinary courses). Each Resident will work on a proposed project and meet regularly with the other Residents and CFE Director for discussion, planning, and collaboration. Duration of residency is one academic year. Residents will receive one course release per semester. Please submit a 1-2 page proposal by April 17 that describes the project that you would like to develop and implement over the course of the academic year, 2013-2014, to Dr. Wade Pickren, Director, Center for Faculty Excellence. Final plan for implementation will be decided jointly by the Director and the Resident. Please submit electronically to
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