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Contributed by Karen Rodriguez on 04/05/13 

 Moderated Conversation, Engaged Discussions

Friday April 5, 2013  9-5:30 Park 220 


Drop in anytime


9-9:50 a.m
Elizabeth Miller, film director (The Water Front) and transmedia activist(Montreal Life Stories)  “Mapping Memory Project and Participatory Ethics”, moderated by Tom Shevory, Politics, Ithaca College and FLEFF codirector

10-10:50 a.mUlises Mejias, author (Off the Network: Disrupting the Digital) discussing Augmented Reality Games,  moderated by Claudia Pederson, FLEFF staff

11-11:50 a.mEvan Meaney (new media artist, Null_Sets), Mansoor Behnam (experimental filmmaker),  (filmmaker), moderated by Karen Rodriguez, FLEFF coordinator and curator

12-12:50 Lunch (on your own)

1-1:50 p.mKelly Matheson, WITNESS, moderated by Patricia Zimmermann, Screen Studies, Ithaca College and FLEFF codirector

2-2:50 p.m.  Sonali Samarasinghe, exiled Sri Lankan journalist and attorney, moderated by Barbara Adams, Writing, Ithaca College , and Ithaca City of Asylum Writers Project

3-3:50 p.m.   Vanessa Domico (Outcast Films), Carlos Gutierrez (Cinema Tropical), moderated by Andrew Utterson, Screen Studies, Ithaca College

 4-5:30 How To Get Your Break, moderated by Steve Gordon, TVR, Ithaca College, and featuring Peter Miller (film director, AKA Doc Pomus); Kevin Lee (dGenerate Films); Carlos Gutierrez (Cinema Tropical); Vanessa Domico (Outcast Films); Dominica Dipio (film director and film scholar);  Bo Wang (China Concerto);Yong Ki Jeong (film director, Couples, Once Upon a Time) with translation by Changhee Chun, Cinema, Ithaca College


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