IC Free the Slaves invites you to a one-day conference on human trafficking on Saturday, April 20. During the afternoon, we'll have interactive learning sessions and conversations with anti-slavery activists, including a survivor of human trafficking and founder of anti-slavery organization in Ghana. In the evening, our keynote lecturer Shamere McKenzie will share her story as an activist and survivor of sex slavery.
Afternoon sessions:
1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Business 202 and 204
1 p.m. Slavery 101
2 p.m. Combating slavery on the ground in Ghana
3 p.m. Modern slavery and the new student abolitionists
Evening lecture: "From Victim to Survivor to Liberator" by Shamere McKenzie, survivor of modern-day sex slavery
7 p.m. in Textor 103
Please join us for any or all of the events, especially the evening lecture by Shamere McKenzie!
IC students can sign up for SLI credit for afternoon sessions and evening lecture.
Please contact icfreetheslaves@gmail.com with questions.