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Prof. of Politics Naeem Inayatullah recently presented and participated in the following events:


“Three Approaches to Civic Education in the US,” with Grant Reeher, for the Civic Education and Leadership Fellows Program, Maxwell School, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, February 18, 2013

“Tarrying with the Negative: Civics and Pedagogy,” for the Civic Education and Leadership Fellows Program, Maxwell School, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, March 8, 2013.

Participant and co-organizer, “Forms of Writing: Genres, Secrets, and Accommodation,”

Pre-International Studies Association Workshop, University of San Francisco, San Francisco April 1, 2013.

Participant, “Theorizing Hierarchy in Anarchy,” International Studies Association Working Group, San Francisco, April 2, 2013

He made the following four presentations at the 54th annual meeting of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, April 3-6, 2013:

“Sacred Ground,” presented on the panel The Death of God, I.

“Robbery in Peshawar: a story iterated,” at the roundtable Inquiry as Invention: Telling Stories in International Politics,

“Avoiding the Global Level,” at the roundtable Theorizing Hierarchies in International Relations II,

“Pointing to Presence: Imagining an Anti-Imperial Pedagogy,” on the roundtable What Do We Teach? How Do We Teach It? Critical Pedagogies and World Politics.

Recent presentations by Naeem Inayatullah | 1 Comments |
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Recent presentations by Naeem Inayatullah Comment from sdesmond on 04/16/13
Kudos, indeed! Naeem's were the most thought-provoking and perception-challenging classes I had as a student here.