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Got pills?

Contributed by Alyssa Frey on 04/23/13 

 Medication Disposal Event

Tuesday April 23rd & Thursday April 25th

Hammond Health Center

8:30AM to 3:00PM

  Supervised collection of Household medications:

·      Prescription drugs including

o   Pills

o   Powders

o   Liquids

o   Inhalers

o   Unopened Epi-Pens

·      Non-Prescription Medication

·      Pet medications

We are NOT able to accept:

·      Controlled Substances

·      Mercury products

·      Medical sharps, supplies, or equipment

·      Other hazardous waste


·      Please leave medications in original containers

·      Mark out personal information

Collection is part of the National Drug Take Back Day occurring on Saturday, April 27th, 2013

 Off-Campus Drop off Locations

Saturday April 27th, 10AM-2PM

·      TCAT, 737 Willow Ave (off Rt. 13), Ithaca

·      Slaterville Fire Station, 2681 Slaterville Rd, Slaterville Springs

For more information on drug disposal, call: 2-1-1 or visit:

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Hammond Health Center at (607) 274-3177. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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