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Rachel Wagner (Dept. of Philosophy and Religion) has published an article in The Journal of the American Academy of Religion, the flagship journal for the discipline of Religious Studies.

Rachel's article, "God in the Game: Cosmopolitanism and Religious Conflict in Videogames," was published in the most recent issue of the journal (March 2013, vol. 81:1, pp. 249-261)((2013).

The article explores such topics as references to religious ideas and images in video games; it examines the cultural attractions and implications of video games (in particular, "first person shooter" games), especially as regards cosmopolitan understandings of diversity and pluralism.

A pdf of the article is available at

Rachel Wagner publishes in The Journal of the American Academy of Religion | 1 Comments |
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Rachel Wagner publishes in The Journal of the American Academy of Religion Comment from rlesses on 05/07/13
Congratulations, Rachel! The JAAR is the premier journal in the field of
religious studies, and it is a mark of your excellent scholarship that you
have published an article in it.