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The 2013 exam period has just started, but as of this moment, the Ithaca College Athletic Training Education Program is at 100%, first time BOC pass rate for class of 2013! We still have a few graduating seniors who will be taking the exam in June or July, but as of this writing we are at a 15 for 15 first time pass rate, extending our streak to 46 consecutive first time passes on the national boards for practicing athletic training over the last 3 years! Historically, the national first time pass rate has been around 62-65%, but Ithaca College has averaged over 96% over the last 8 years, and is at 100% for the last 3 years.

Kudos to the following graduating seniors who can officially add "ATC" to their name, after they graduate from IC in short time:

Ethan Alderman, ATC
Kristen Bartiss, ATC
Jackie Boss, ATC
Amber Duda, ATC
Charles Edwards, ATC
Jana Katz, ATC
Caroline Lisee, ATC
Jana Katz, ATC
Meagahn McMillen, ATC
Caitlin Murphy, ATC
Brianna Rathbun, ATC
Julian Rivera, ATC
Chris Toone, ATC
Adina Wagner, ATC
Julie Winn, ATC

Please join me in congratulating these students and their accomplishments when you have the opportunity!

Athletic Training Class of 2013 Perfect on BOC Exam Results | 0 Comments |
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