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The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs would like to congratulate the following ALANA students for recognition of their achievement.  These students were nominated and selected for 2013 ALANA Senior Awards and for the African Latino Society (ALS) Alumni Memorial Scholarship.  Recipients were recognized at the OSEMA Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 29, 2013 and the ALS Senior Celebracion held on Monday, May 6, 2013.

The ALS Alumni Memorial Scholarship honors a high achieving African-American, Latino/a, Asian, or Native American (ALANA) student at Ithaca College, who has made significant contributions to multicultural awareness and to well being of ALANA students on the Ithaca College Campus. Congratulations to CEDRICK-MICHAEL SIMMONS who will receive this scholarship for next academic year.

We are also pleased to award the following seniors with the 2013 ALANA Senior Awards, in recognition of the achievements and work of our graduating class:

Inspiration Award: Presented to students who have shown empathy, helpfulness, and a willingness to go above and beyond in support of their peers.

  • Daisy Arriaga
  • Keona Campbell
  • Tracee Cotto
  • Elijah Davis
  • Indiana Grimes
  • Lelia James
  • Justina Kofie
  • Jimmy Lau
  • Arik McNally
  • Christopher Miree
  • Adeline Nieto
  • Richard Onyejuruwa
  • Monique Peterkin
  • Shaunte Snipes
  • DeAnne Stewart
  • Sophia Terazawa
  • Reisy Veloz

Chaves/Lorde Social Justice Award: Presented to students who have increased awareness of issues of social justice and /or cultural competence in the Ithaca College community.

  • Brandy Heath
  • Meira Keil     
  • Kristiana Reyes

Chawla/Ochoa Academic Achievement Award: Presented to students who have shown a commitment to enhancing their educational experience through scholarly pursuits, while maintaining a high level of academic achievement (cumulative 3.3 GPA). Note: This award is intended for students who have done outstanding academic work outside the classroom in their field of interest: i.e. research, conference presentations, published writings, etc.

  • Fargo Balliett
  • Aryelle Cormier
  • Lethia McFarland
  • Tiffany Paulino
  • Juilian Rivera

Chung/Thorpe Leadership Award: Presented to students who have increased the profile of the ALANA community by participating in leadership roles throughout their Ithaca College career.

  • Melissa Cepeda
  • Denisha Freeman
  • Kitty Lam
  • Thomas Ransom
  • Oluwayeni Ropo-Tusin
  • Ellis Williams

DuBois/Mandela Award for Scholarship, Leadership & Service: Presented to students for their significant scholarly achievement (cumulative 3.5 GPA or above) and exemplary contributions to the ALANA community. 

  • Rochelle Frankson
  • Nathaniel Hemingway
  • Jamie Hom
  • Dana McCalla
  • Kristy Zhen

The 2013 ALANA Senior Awards will be presented at the Multicultural Affairs Senior Reception on Saturday, May 19 at 1:30pm. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact The Office of Student Engagement & Multicultural Affairs at 607-274-1692 or at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Congratulations to all of our award recipients!



OSEMA Honors Graduating ALANA Seniors and ALS Alumni Memorial Scholarship Winner | 0 Comments |
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