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Patricia R. Zimmermann, professor of screen studies and codirector of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, was an invited speaker at Dartmouth College April 26-27, 2014.

In collaboration with new media designer and director Helen De Michiel (Lunch Love Community project), she presented “Open Space Documentary: A Theory of Transmedia and Collaboration .” The presentation explored a theory of open space transmedia and analyzed large scale collaborative projects that reorganize and recalibrate documentary relations and practices, focusing on works from across the United States and Southeast Asia.

Zimmermann and De Michiel were also featured at the White River Indie Festival in Vermont, with a special workshop and lecture entitled “Open Space Transmedia: Documentary across Platforms, Encounters and Communities.” New media artist Laura Kissel, designer of The Cotton Road Project, was also part of the team. Their participation in WRIF was sponsored by Dartmouth College.

Patricia Zimmermann invited speaker at Dartmouth College | 0 Comments |
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