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Integrating Assessment: From Writing SLO's to Closing the Loop Dr. Lori Collins-Hall is a Professor and Chair of Sociology at Hartwick College. She began her career in the field of Criminal Justice, working with local, state, and national organizations designing and implementing needs assessments and program evaluations. In 2008, she brought her skills back to her own campus, and accepted a position as a "full-time cheerleader" and part-time assessment coordinator for Hartwick. During this time, she helped lead the College through a reaffirmation and clarification of its mission, formulation of strategic goals, development and integration of an assessment culture, and assessment of general education. In September 2010, she was accepted as a Teagle Scholar and began a campus-wide project exploring the impact of various high-impact practices on the students. Having had an extensive history of engaging students in community evaluation research projects, Lori quickly integrated students in her assessment work, both as subjects of assessment and researchers. Most recently she has completed a sabbatical with the Higher Education Data Sharing (HEDS) Consortium and the Center of Inquiry in the Liberal Arts at Wabash College. She continues to engage students in assessment research and writing examining the impact high-impact practices on student learning, first-year experience, and rethinking the Capstone experience as professional development. Workshops and Discussions
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