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Dear Ithaca College Community Members:

Last Fall I wrote to tell you that the Board of Trustees would complete a comprehensive presidential assessment of President Tom Rochon during the 2012-2013 academic year. The Association of Governing boards recommends this process every 5 years as part of their best practice recommendations.

The comprehensive presidential assessment of President Tom Rochon has successfully been completed. Association of Governing Boards consultant Dr. Doug Orr presented his report to the board of trustees at its just completed spring meeting. As indicated in my letter to you at the beginning of the process, the purpose of the comprehensive assessment is to invite your critique, ideas and suggestions to enhance the leadership of the president and the future of the College. 

During February and March 2013 Dr. Orr interviewed 170 individuals in eleven groups of faculty, staff, students, senior staff, trustees, alumni and community leaders. Additional discussions took place with the board officers, the Assessment Committee and the president. 

Dr. Orr presented to the Assessment Committee and the full board a summary of perspectives from each of the interview groups, a summary of ongoing issues for the College and its presidential leadership, as well as recommendations for continued presidential leadership development. While it is customary throughout higher education that the comprehensive presidential assessment report to the board of trustees be confidential, your input, including gratitudes as well as critique, have been fully received, carefully considered and will be the basis for the Assessment Committee and the board to continue to work in partnership with President Rochon as to his leadership of Ithaca College. We are mindful that to his credit, Dr. Rochon fully supported this presidential assessment process as part of his ongoing commitment to the future well being and growth of Ithaca College under his leadership. 

On behalf of the board of trustees, I want to thank you for your involvement with this significant process and the thoughtful nature of your input, a point stressed by Dr. Orr to the board. These are exciting as well as challenging times for our College, in the midst of dynamic changes in higher education and society. We believe that the College’s values, programs and committed campus community members, including the institution’s leadership, are positioning Ithaca well for the future. The board is most appreciative of the many good works that you contribute each day to the College and the students and many constituencies we serve. 

Tom Grape, Chair
Ithaca College Board of Trustees


Letter to the Ithaca College Community Regarding the Completion of the Comprehensive Presidential Assessment | 0 Comments |
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