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As recently announced in Intercom, Ithaca College is required by Microsoft to upgrade from Microsoft Live@edu to Microsoft Office 365 on Thursday, June 6, 2013. There is no major downtime expected with the upgrade. However, the Netpass Manager tool for managing passwords and activating Netpass accounts will not be available during, and for a few days after, the upgrade.

From 5:00 pm Thursday, June 6th until Noon on Monday, June 10th:

  • New faculty, staff and students will not be able to activate new Netpass accounts, and will therefore not be able to access any services associated with Netpass.
  • All faculty, staff and students will be unable to change passwords or security questions during the Netpass downtime. Note that no account passwords will expire during the downtime.
  • If someone forgets their password, or it is already expired when the downtime starts, neither the user nor the ITS Helpdesk will be able to reset it during the downtime.

The Netpass downtime is necessary while backend system and cleanup work related to the upgrade is completed. 

As a reminder, if you access your email through directly (instead of myHome), the new web address for OWA is You can begin using the new link immediately.

ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall

Netpass Password Tool Unavailable During Email Upgrade, 6/6-6/10 | 0 Comments |
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