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Senior Class '14 logo contest!

Contributed by Erin Smith on 06/18/13 

 Do you have undeniable creative talent? AWESOME. Because for the rest of the week the Senior Class will be having a logo contest! June 14-21 we will be accepting logo submissions from any of our fellow rising seniors. 

The person(s) that submit a logo or idea that is used will get a free item of the Senior Class of 2014 merchandise!

Keep in mind it's important for this logo to be: 

- Clean and simple 

- Representative of the Class of 2014 

- Versatile (this logo will appear on a merchandise, online advertising, posters, etc)

- IC approved color scheme 

- Unique

- Slogans are welcomed but not mandatory   This is a chance to be a part of something everyone will see, use, and remember. We know 2014 is awesome, now let's see it!   All questions and submissions should be emailed to good luck!   Now get those creative juices flowing!


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Erin Smith at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Senior Class '14 logo contest! | 0 Comments |
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