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Reserving Rooms on Campus:

Contributed by Paula Wedemeyer on 07/01/13 

The campus room scheduling system will be unavailable beginning on Sunday July 14th  until Thursday July 18th.

As part of a project to upgrade the R25 room scheduling system the system will be unavailable beginning on Sunday July 14th and it will not be available again until Thursday July 18th. This shut down is needed so that data can be migrated to the new system. The WebVeiwer, which is used to research room availability, will also not be available. Please plan ahead and have all of your scheduling needs processed prior to Sunday July 14th.

If you are a regular user of R25 and have any questions please contact Paula Wedemeyer 274-5111 or Heather Schuck 274-3313.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Paula Wedemeyer at or (607) 274-5111. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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