Quoted in the media: Faculty members Sean Eversley Bradwell, Jeff Cohen, Skott Freedman, Scott Hamula and Thomas Swensen; and the Ithaca College New Directions Cello Festival. For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page at the Office of Media Relations:
IC in the Media
Intuit Small Business Blog
June 6, 2013
Scott Hamula, associate professor and chair, Department of Strategic Communication
"Advertising and Promotions Law Essentials for Small-Business Owners"
June 7, 2013
Sean Eversley Bradwell, assistant professor, Center for the Study of Culture, Race and Ethnicity
"NAACP Celebrates 94 Years"
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
June 9, 2013
Chris White, founder and director of the Ithaca College New Directions Cello Festival
"Ithaca College Cello Festival Highlights Instrument's Evolution"
U.S. News & World Report
June 25, 2013
Skott Freedman, assistant professor of speech-language pathology and audiology
"You Can Boost Your Baby's Vocabulary"
The Huffington Post
June 26, 2013
Jeff Cohen, director of the Park Center for Independent Media and associate professor of journalism
"Snowden Coverage: If U.S. Mass Media Were State-Controlled, Would They Look Any Different?"
The Huffington Post
July 7, 2013
Jeff Cohen, director of the Park Center for Independent Media and associate professor of journalism
"How Do You Know When President Obama is Lying? MSNBC Won't Tell You"
July 8, 2013
Thomas Swensen, professor and chair, Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences
"Betaine a Nutrient Food Enhances Performance"
Dyslexia Untied
July 11, 2013
Skott Freedman, assistant professor of speech-language pathology and audiology
"Bilingual Children Have a Two-Tracked Mind"